Monday 25 October 2010

NIN Appointment in Kings Lynn

Today, I had my appointment for my NIN. I had to go to Kings Lynn, in Norfolk.

So I decided to take the train at 7:51, which should have arrived at 8:23 in Kings Lynn, leaving me more than 30 minutes to find the Jobcentre Plus office, where my appointment took place. The problem is that my train was awfully late. In fact, it was SO late that when it eventually arrived, the loudspeaker announced it wouldn't go to Kings Lynn any more, and that we'd have to take the next train. Which, of course, was late too! 8:36 instead of 8:21..

I started panicking. So I phoned Jobcentre Plus, to tell them I'd be late. But it wasn't the right number, so the "nice" lady gave me another number, which I called immediately. Guess what. The office was STILL closed! It only opened at 9:00. So I phoned the other lady again. It wasn't the same lady. That other lady told me I should wait until 9 o'clock and book another appointment, because they would probably not wait for me. Gosh. That's when I started panicking more. I had to wait three weeks to get this appointment. I sure didn't want to wait three more weeks!

I was about to leave the train station, hoping I'd get my ticket money back... when the train arrived. So I thought, well, let's go and see what happens. I might be lucky. I hopped on the train, not happy at all.

I tried phoning Kings Lynn 3-4 times while I was in the train. At 8:55, they eventually answered. The train had arrived. I had my phone, my bag, and my documents in my hands, I was almost running. I tried to explain my problem to the nice guy who answered, while calling a taxi. Epic. The guy on the phone said "oh don't worry, come here please!".

I told the taxi driver: "I need to go to Jobcentre Plus, as quickly as possible please". He told me the price in advance, which was nice. After three minutes, I arrived. I gave the money to the taxi driver, plus a tip, and ran to the office.

When I got there, someone asked for my name and then said: "are you here for the NIN?". I said yes. And he said: "ok, have a seat, and please wait until someone asks for you". Ok. Great. I had to wait for five minutes, and it was 9:10 when I arrived. All this stress for nothing!! I sat down, and waited. A woman came and photocopied my passport, pay slip and contract. After that, a really nice man (the one I got on the phone I reckon) said I could come. He asked two questions. Filled in a form. And gave me a document with a reference number, and a phone number I should contact if I don't get my NIN within six weeks. It lasted not more than five minutes. Gosh, I couldn't believe it!! All this fuss for nothing!

Anyway, in two or three weeks, I should get a letter with my NIN. I hope I won't have to wait too long; I'm fed up with this NIN crap!

At least, I could visit a town in Norfolk! Kings Lynn is not a really pretty town, but the shops are great, and the atmosphere is nice. I made some shopping. I needed it! And I found really nice things, and on sale at that! I'm happy now =D

I also took some pictures. You might be interested!

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