Tuesday, 21 June 2011

My Last Weekend in England

Hello everybody!

Well, I'm now back in Switzerland and it feels like I never left really. It's strange. I hadn't seen my brother in almost 6 months and when I saw him waiting on the railway platform, it felt like I'd left him the day before or something! But before telling you about homecoming, I have to tell you about my last weekend in England!

On Friday morning, I packed. Well, tried to rather... It was a nightmare. I thought I'd be able to pack everything, that it'd  be a piece of cake and that my big suitcases would weigh no more than 20kg each. Boy was I wrong! Soon after I started, I realised the task was impossible and doomed to failure. I weighed my big red bag and it was already 26kg (and I wasn't finished yet then!). So well, I told my mum and said we'd have to send some things by mail. She said ok and told me to just wait for her. My mum is the suitcase fairy. I don't know how she does it, but she can pack a whole room into a tiny suitcase. My hopes were not up in the blue sky, but they were not crashed down into the basement either.

My mum arrived on Friday night. Well I had four suitcases to go to England and I still had those four suitcases to come back in Switzerland, so I still needed my mum to help me out with that. And she was happy to spend the weekend with me. I was too of course! We wanted to have dinner at Jamie's Italian in Cambridge, so I told my mum to stop at Cambridge and not Ely. We met at the station and went straight to Jamie's. It was about 8 o'clock when we arrived and we still had to wait for about one hour before being shown our table. But it was ok, because we always have something to chat about with my mum, and it was a good opportunity to enjoy a tasty glass of Prosecco =P

The food was superb, like always! And I had my nice lemon curd tart for dessert as well. Yum. I love it so much! But don't worry! I'm still a chocoholic! My mum enjoyed her meal too. And she also had the lemon thingy hihi.

Good thing we had a good meal because as soon as we arrived in Soham, we started packing again. Well, my mum unpacked everything, just to repack everything again. It was 2am when we stopped, and we were not even finished yet!! But being the suitcase fairy, she managed to pack more things than I had. Still. We had to put almost all my books in boxes, ready to be posted the following day... And we also paid for 12 extra kilos on Easyjet.com, because it's cheaper than paying at the airport...

On Saturday, we went to Cambridge, to do a little bit of shopping. Window shopping. It was hard to resist but we just couldn't buy too many things! So yeah, we did buy some things. Little things XD It was a lovely day anyway. I like Cambridge and so does my mum so we had fun! And for lunch, we had a sandwich and a scone with jam and cream =P That was yummy. My last cream tea for a while I guess =(

And in the evening, we went to Sergio's, the Italian restaurant in Soham. Kathy invited us. Scarlett came too. We had a really good time! And for dessert, I had a yummy yumm Irish coffee. I had never tasted one before and it will definitely NOT be my last one hehehehe =P And I gave Kathy and Scarlett their presents. I got Kathy a leopard-print wine glass (I said it would make up for all the glasses and spoons I'd broken haha). She reacted just as I'd expected. She laughed and couldn't believe it! She said she'd drink her wine in that glass from now on hehe. And Scarlett got a tattoo set from Urban Decay. It's a really cool set and she was over the moon I think. She wanted to try them right away, but her mum convinced her to wait until the next morning. They're really good false tattoos, and you need to concentrate to apply them, otherwise it gets messy!

We all had a good time, and I'm happy that we got to spend my last night in England like that. It was a nice and relaxed evening!

On Sunday morning, my mum and I finished packing. And after that, I cooked an English breakfast. Without beans, because my mum hates them (why??). It was tasty and also, we needed some energy for the long day that was ahead of us! Eventually, it was time to say goodbye =( Kathy and Scarlett left to spend the day with Scarlett's dad (it was Father's Day on Sunday). It was actually quite strange to say goodbye and stay in the house, while my host family were the ones to leave haha. We said goodbye and hugged and they were gone. It didn't take long. Kathy hates goodbyes. So do I. Why make them last forever huh? I shed some tears though. I couldn't help it. Kathy almost did but she could hold hers back. Scarlett was all right I think!

Later on, Kathy texted me to tell me that they'd voted me the best lodger ever. How cool hihi. I will see them again. I'm not too sad I guess... I still feel a pinch in the heart when I think about them, but it's normal I guess; I spent nine months with them!

Then we just had to wait for the taxi... Which arrived at 2pm sharp, just like it was supposed to! Yay! We put all the suitcases in the boot and off we went! The journey lasted for about 1h30-2h. It went smoothly, until we reached the airport. There was a traffic jam where people were picked up and dropped off so we had to wait for quite a while... But we had plenty of time, so we didn't panic or anything! At one point, another car wanted to overtake us, so our taxi driver gave them the finger. And they gave gave us the finger too. Seconds later, a police car arrived and so, all the other cars had to give way to them. So my mum told the taxi driver he should get a blue light so he wouldn't have any problems any more. And you know what his answer was?? He said he should get a giant blue f*ck flashing light. My mum and I burst out laughing and he joined us. It was SO funny and the way he said it was so spontaneous and so... British I guess? Mwa ha ha ha ha!

Well, then we arrived at the airport and we checked in. We had 12 extra kilos. My dodgy scale was right! How cool? Well it'd still have been better not to have any extra kilos... Anyway... Then we had time to buy some things in the duty-free area and it was great because we then had some plastic bags, where we put some stuff from our handbags and we ended up having ONE handbag each (you know, Easyjet restrictions, blah blah blah). Everything went smoothly and the plane was even on time!

In fact, we arrived 25 minutes before schedule! Which means we had time to catch the train we really wanted to catch but thought we wouldn't be able to! Yay! Unfortunately, there was some work being done to the railway track... So my dad picked us up in Biel/Bienne (we'd have had to take several buses to get home otherwise, which wouldn't have been a piece of cake with all our stuff!). My brother was with him on the platform when we arrived. And as I said before, it was like I'd seen them the day before!! So weird...

Then we walked to the car, put all the bags in the boot (again) and my dad said I had to sit at the front. I was a bit puzzled but really curious haha. We drove and drove and still, I didn't know why my dad had made me sit there! Only when we arrived home did I find out. My dad and brother had put up a HUGE sign at the garage entrance, saying "Welcome back home, Emilie!". I was so surprised and pleased! What a good idea! It felt like an American movie! I felt a bit like when I got the orchid for my birthday actually!

And that's it! I'm here now and my adventure is over. I'm happy to be home. I have so much to do now! Unpack, tidy up, sort things out, get appointments and so on and so forth... Not cool...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Emilie!

    je suis étudiant en France et je souhaite partir à Londres pendant quatre mois de juillet à octobre 2011. Seulement la question du logement reste une démarche difficile dans cette ville, surtout quand on recherche une famille.. J'ai pu voir grâce à votre blog que vous êtes partis plusieurs mois dans une famille! Avec quel organisme avez vous pu les contacter ? Savez vous si la famille qui vous a hébergé recherche un étudiant en ce moment ?
    Voici mon adresse email : legaignoux@gmail.com
    Merci d'avance!

    PS : génial votre blog ;-]
