Sunday, 12 June 2011

The Cream Cracker, Mars Bar and Pint of Coke Challenge

Hello dear friends!

It's been a long time since I wrote a silly and useless article. It's about time I published another one. Don't you think?

So. This silly and useless (yet utterly funny, I hope) article is about a really tough challenge I was issued on Friday night, by a friend of Kathy's. He told me I HAD to try it before I left. So Kathy said "let's do it tomorrow evening". And so we did.

What did the challenge consist of, you might be asking yourselves? Well it's a stupid, disgusting and absolutely pointless food challenge.

You have to:

1° Eat a whole cream cracker (which sticks to your gums).

2° Once you've finished the cracker, wolf down a whole Mars bar (which sticks to your teeth).


3° Last but not least (...), after the cracker and the Mars bar, swallow a whole pint of Coke (the more gas it contains, the better).

The whole thing has to be done within 5 minutes or less.

And I did it! I succeeded! In 4:30 minutes hehe. Kathy didn't. She didn't manage the Coke. It was too much. I have to say that I didn't know if I would survive the challenge. Drinking a pint of Coke in one minute is a really painful experience, trust me! I felt like throwing up at one point. And the only thing that made us feel better was burping haha. Disgusting. But really funny hahaha. I was really surprised, because while Kathy struggled through the whole thing because she couldn't stop giggling, I was able to keep a straight face throughout!

So that's it guys. Now you know everything there is to know about THE ultimate challenge! Although, I guess the pint of Coke alone is a challenge in itself... Ew. Never again!

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