Tuesday 1 June 2010

Preparatory Seminar: Invitation and Program

We're in June, yes, and I thought I'd only write one stupid post about that stupid fact, but NO!! Because when I came home just an hour ago, my mum told me I'd received something from the wbz cps concerning the LAP! Oh joy! But, alas, it was "only" the invitation and program of the preparatory seminar that will take place in Zürich, on the 17th of June... But anyway, it's better than nothing and I'm looking forward to it!

Here is the program ladies and gentlemen!

09.15-10.00 ~~ Arrival, administration, refreshments

10.00 ~~ Welcoming / seminar objectives
Introduction and organisation

10.15-12.30 ~~ WORKSHOP I
Language assistants to the UK
Introduction to the school system
The role of the language assistant
Organisation and administration on arrival
(travel, immigration, tax, health
and social security, pay)

12.45 ~~ Lunch at restaurant

14.00-17.00 ~~ WORKSHOP II
FFL (French as a foreign language)
in the UK, Germany and Austria
"The teaching of FFL in the UK and
in the German-speaking countries"

17.30 ~~ End of the seminar

Tah dah! Doesn't it sound exciting? =D Well it does to me!

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